Tuesday, July 15, 2008

All the girls standing in the line for the Bathroom

Yo. Yo Yoey. Soo me and BFF Jillian went shopping today. whoop. We left around 5ish and my bro made Jill drop him off at the bar ( umm akwwarddd) then we went to the bank yay money. mmkay now the good part soo we went to dos lagos first and I got my pay check $240 yeshh. more money. And as we are walking by some shoes store guess what I see my baby Pharrell Williams whoop I wanted to steal him off the window lol. yeah got a yummy Starbizzzucks but it ended up making my stumache hurt but thats probally becuase it was like the first thing i had eaten/drank all day. ehh went to some stores then went to the crossings were I bought an awesome Zebra bag and an Even more Awesome Zebra shirt which as a little kids shirt but hey it fit soo why not. lol mmm went to more stores and then bought some make-up which I though was gunna be kinda dark but hey Jill was right it works. And then I flipped out in target because I found Shane Gray Joe Jonas bags and they were awesome they also had like P.J's and all that good stuff. Ehh then came home bored agian so writing this blog. Yup. oooo yeah look at my awesome banner took me like an hour to edit but I love it. I really do wish Joe would get naked. lol just kidding or am I??

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