Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Im A 'Heart Break Dancer'

What an eventful weekend... I dont think I really ever moved from this spot at all the past 3 days well only for occasional trips to the restroom and to get food other then that ive basicly been in my room all weekend. I got alot done though, I went through my closet and threw out a whole bunch of old clothes that I dont wear anymore that was fun I organized everything also its all seperated by color and style. yup. While I was doing that I decided to have a mini 'photoshoot' thinger I piled on make-up and tried on a bunch of funky clothes. Other then that I watched that hairstyleing show on Bravo im not sure what its called but its like my new favorite show that and icarly pretty bomb. Well i think im gunna work on a picture of Nick give me suggestions on who to draw next. later.

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